Gill Evans
Chartered Counselling Psychologist
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What is a Chartered Counselling Psychologist?
Chartered Counselling Psychologists are a relatively new breed of professional applied psychologists concerned with the integration of psychological theory and research with therapeutic practice. The practice of Counselling Psychology requires a high level of self-awarness and competence in relating the skills and knowledge of personal and interpersonal dynamics to the therapeutic context.
Chartered Counselling Psychologists work almost anywhere there are people. For instance counselling psychologists are currently employed in industry, commerce, the prison service and in all layers of education from primary school to university. About half of all counselling psychologists are employed to do clinical work in health and social care settings. Other career paths can be found in teaching and research for academic bodies. Chartered Counselling Psychologists can also practice privately or as organisational consultants.
Chartered Counselling Psychologists work therapeutically with clients with a variety of problems, difficulties, life issues and/or symptoms of psychological disorder. Their work is informed by psychological theory and research, but the approach taken in therapy (including the number and frequency of sessions) varies according to the particular needs of the individual client and the context in which the therapy takes place. This is normally discussed in some detail and depth during the first one or two sessions (usually referred to as assessment) during which an agreed plan of therapy is negotiated.