Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) is based on the idea that how we think (cognition),
how we feel (emotion), and how we act (behaviour) all interact together. Specifically,
our thoughts determine our feelings and our behaviour. Therefore negative thoughts
can cause us distress and result in problems.
One example could be someone who, after making a mistake, thinks "I'm useless and
can't do anything right." This impacts negatively on their mood and makes them feel
depressed; then they worsen the problem by reacting to avoid activities. As a result
they reduce their chance of successful experience, which reinforces their original
thought of being "useless".
In therapy the latter example could be identified as a self-fulfilling prophecy
or "problem cycle", and the efforts of the therapist and client would be to work
together to change this. This is done by addressing the way the client thinks in
response to similar situations and by helping them think more flexibly, along with
reducing their avoidance of activities. If as a result they escape the negative
thought pattern, they will already feel less depressed. They may hopefully also
then become more active, succeed more, and further reduce their depression.
The above information is from Wikipedia: Cognitive